Register for the 2023 Spring ECOAT Boot Camp
Industry experts have designed this interactive program to meet the varying technical needs of electrocoaters and anyone interested in learning more. Review the basics before taking a deeper dive into cost and process efficiencies, quality control, troubleshooting and innovative technology. Walk away with ideas and strategies for improving your own system.
Enhancing your learning experience will be a tour of the Subaru of Indiana Automotive (SIA) facility in Lafayette, Indiana. The tour and round-trip transportation are included in your registration fee.
If you will be participating in the tour at Subaru of Indiana Automotive, please be sure to wear/bring the following items as part of the PPE minimum requirements:
Also included is a copy of our textbook: Electrocoating: A Guidebook for Finishers.
For more information...
Boot Camp Program
Hotel Information: Reserve your room by May 26, 2023 to receive our special group rate of $129/night! Call and mention the ECOAT Boot Camp to receive this rate.
Courtyard Marriott Lafayette 150 Fairington Ave. Lafayette, IN 47905 765-449-4800
Questions? Contact or call 800-563-8831.
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